Classes: Advanced Spanish

There are 45 Advanced Spanish courses, and students can start with any one of them.

  • Duration: 8-weeks

  • Schedule options:

    • Thursdays 10am-12noon

    • Thursdays 6pm-8pm.


Advanced courses feature study and discussion of literature, film, and current events. Activities include continued review of the perfect tenses, progressive tenses, the subjunctive, the imperative, irregular verbs, prepositions, direct and indirect object pronouns, preposition use, and the passive voice. Students are asked to write a response paper related to the assignment for classes 2, 4, 6 and 8. Please contact us for more information.


2025 Advanced Spanish Course Calendar

All courses offered 10am-12noon and 6-8pm, Pacific

  • Thursdays 9 January - 27 February COURSE: FRESA Y CHOCOLATE (PELÍCULA)

    Over the course of 8 weeks, students will read the screenplay and watch this Cuban/Spanish/Mexican coproduction from 1993. It was the first Cuban film ever to receive an Oscar nomination, in the category of Best Foreign film. There is an assignment for the first class. Please contact us for more info.


  • Thursdays 20 March - 8 May COURSE: CUENTOS DE EVA LUNA, CURSO A.

    Students will read selections from this collection of short stories that combine fantasy with biting social satire and psychological insight by the Chilean-American writer Isabel Allende. We will use this edition, which you can download here. There is an assignment for the first class. Please contact us for more info.


  • Semana 1 (20 de marzo): Dos palabras

  • Semana 2 (27 de marzo): Niña perversa: escribir un ensayo

  • Semana 3 (3 de abril): Clarisa

  • Semana 4 (10 de abril): Boca de sapo: escribir un ensayo

  • Semana 5 (17 de abril): El oro de Tomás Vargas

  • Semana 6 (24 de abril): Si me tocaras el corazón: escribir un ensayo

  • Semana 7 (1º de mayo): Regalo para una novia

  • Semana 8 (8 de mayo): Tosca: escribir un ensayo

  • Thursdays 22 May - 10 July COURSE: RADIO AMBULANTE (PODCAST)

    Students will listen to and read the transcript for episode of this all-Spanish podcast. Radio Ambulante is a Spanish-language podcast that tells Latin American stories from anywhere Spanish is spoken, including the United States. It seeks to bring the aesthetic of high-quality longform journalism to radio. In 2014, Radio Ambulante was awarded the Gabriel García Márquez Prize for Innovation in Journalism, the most prestigious journalism honor in Latin America. There is an assignment for the first class. Please contact us for more info.

  • Thursdays 31 July - 18 September COURSE: ROJO AMANECER (PELÍCULA)

Rojo Amanecer is a 1989 Silver Ariel Award-winning Mexican drama film about the Tlatelolco Massacre in the section of Tlatelolco in Mexico City in the evening of 2 October 1968. It focuses on the day of a middle-class Mexican family living in one of the apartment buildings surrounding the Plaza de Tlatelolco (also known as the Plaza de las Tres Culturas) and is based on testimonials from witnesses and victims. There is an assignment for the first class. Please contact us for more info.

  • Thursdays 2 October - 20 November COURSE: CRÓNICA DE UNA MUERTE ANUNCIADA (NOVELA)

Over the course of 8 weeks, students will read and discuss this novella by Gabriel García Márquez, published in 1981. It tells, in the form of a pseudo-journalistic reconstruction, the story of the murder of Santiago Nasar by the Vicario twins. WE WILL USE THIS VERSION, WHICH YOU CAN DOWNLOAD FOR FREE.


  • Thursday 4 December: La paternidad

  • Thursday 11 December: Hacer trampa

  • Thursday 18 December: El lenguaje corporal

Advanced Spanish

Advanced Spanish

Tuition for 8-week course:

  • Cash, check, or Venmo: $270.

  • Credit card: $280 (includes Paypal fee)

  • The per-class drop-in rate is $35. ($37 if paid through PayPal.)


To arrange cash payment, please call us at 360.359.3751 or email us.


Please make checks payable to "Lengua Rica."
Indicate which course, day, and time you are registering for.
Include your name, phone number, and email address.
Mail your check to:

Lengua Rica
P.O. Box 792
Olympia WA 98507

CREDIT CARD (includes additional 3% fee)

Full course tuition

Mode of attendance
Course Name


Mode of attendance
Date(s) of attendance